Rethinking #dailyfail #74


It’s springtime and time to re-think the purpose and function of #dailyfail.

It’s all about looking at the process of creativity. It explores my conviction that following instinct, making do with any tools to hand and tackling unappealing ideas is a way of seeking and confronting “failure” as a concomitant aspect of risk-taking and as an essential part of the creative process.

The “#dailyfail” title is tongue in cheek: since I believe embracing failure (or less than perfect results) is important, I’m not judging my sketchbook messing around as good or bad. And so I’m happy to view any “failure” as “success” in the greater scheme of things on the path to make work.

Maybe though this message doesn’t come through too clearly? I was touched to receive a comment the other day from someone reassuring me that I wasn’t a failure, and I could really draw (although I would have to say that drawing is just a learnable technical skill which is not really a testament of success…).

Touched, but at the same time slightly discomfited that anyone might read this regular series of self-exposing posts revealing the (normally hidden) processes lying behind the making of art as in some way indicative of me seeing me as a failure…

For the avoidance of doubt, not so.

But it does raise an interesting general
Issue of how uncomfortable society as a whole is with seeing failure as a positive experience and potentially a platform for reaching ever greater success in any sphere.

This blog more than anything is a regular analysis of the creative process in all its aspects. So I’m giving some thought to a new daily hash tag label to perhaps highlight more clearly what I’m seeking to examine.

Watch this space.

Categories: drawing

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